Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Still here...Still knitting...

Knitting has continued....
Completed Baktus...see that "extra" yarn next to it? Proof that no, I can't eyeball it and know when I'm half done....

Valentine Cupcakes

and more Valentine cupcakes....

School is three-quarters done....Solid B+ in Anthropology and clinging to an A in algebra. I've decided to take Spring term off. My son really needs me right now...and not to have me divided between work, teaching dance, going to school. My stress level is on the ceiling...and what the hell, what's a few more months in the long line of the many years it will take me to get this degree? He's more important than anything else right now.

Health, doing better. Lost 15 pounds so far after following the low glycemic eating plan, supplements and hormones. When I do it I should add because stress? Stress does tend to drive me right to the sugar.

Current knitting? Another Baktus, this one striped. Not that I have had much time for it...my so-called "free" time is consumed with school.

But I'm here. Still kickin'. Still knitting.