Today, I'm quilting. All Day. I may not even get out of my jammies. I really NEED that kinda day.
Last night, I went down to one of the local shops,
Quiltworks, First Friday Artwalk events...this shop is about a year old and wasn't on the radar for me when I was actively quilting (you know over a year ago, ugh!) and it's the only shop locally that does any kind of monthly open house thing that I know of. Beautiful shop, VERY nice staff. They don't do precuts, LOL, which with my life I depend on to be able to do any kind of quilting at all...but I liked them. So I went down. They had appetizers, wine, door prizes, a fabulous showing by a Very Talented Quilter and a storewide sale! THAT does not happen much in this area in the Quilt Shops! From 15% off most things, to 30% off select batting and wool kits. The shop was buzzin' and a little crowded for me, but I enjoyed my visit! I didn't win anything, but I did come home with a couple things:
A Few Fun Halloween Fat Quarters
A Twin Batting (at 30% off no less!)
The Halloween prints may or may not be used this fall....sort of depends on time and inclination. Today's quilting is going to focus on this:
This was a disappearing 9-patch I started last year for The Dark-Haired Child...set aside to whip up a baby quilt and never picked up again.
Thursday night, I decided to slice the 9 patches up...Mistake. Note to self, don't do this when you are tired. A few ended up pretty Wonky. And I don't "do" wonky! Only a few are unsalvagable for the top, but could be pieced into the back, so no loss right?
Lastly, I leave you with Terrain, by Kate Spain. When I saw this a couple weeks ago...I had to have it. Its what got me back on the quilting kick!
I love it. I love it sooooo much. Don't know what I'm going to DO with it, but I love it. For now, I just like looking at it..playing with the cuts and putting them side by side...Bliss.