Sunday, September 25, 2011

WIP...with actual "progress"!

I've been picking away at my Terrain quilt...

28 9-patch blocks done...

Little windows of color for the center of the second set of blocks....

Little "mudflaps" on the side..

I've worked on it almost every day....sometimes only for a few minutes, sometimes for a couple hours. I'm starting to contemplate the quilting process...Pretty sure I'll be playing it safe and stitching "in the ditch". I admire free quilting very much...but I'm not pleased with my results. I even considered hand quilting it....but I'd like to finish it in this century ......

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Time for Quilting...

Life is back at that crazy I-don't-have-time-to-quilt stage.

No likey.

Trying to think about ways I can MAKE time...and gain the self discipline to use those little moments...

In that vein, I'm not going to try for much of a post today...simply to say I purchased THIS and I'm going to leave right this minute and go cut some of the pieces ... something is better than nothing, eh?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Finished top...well, as finished as it's going to be for awhile...

Sorta Fuzzy...but there's the top all pieced...Now it has to "rest" while I figure out what to use for border and backing. I have a few blocks that were too wonky for the front...but I think I can fit them into the back! I've never done a pieced back, so that will be a new adventure.

I've done some cleaning...and some choregraphy...and finished Wicked Appetite...but the sewing machine is sitting silent. Maybe this afternoon....a long sleepless night is heading me in the direction of a nap...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Whatcha Readin'?

In the car - for breaks and lunches, I'm reading Unknown by Rachel Caine

Unknown (Outcast Season, Book 2)

It's a spin off series from her Weather Warden series. I've a confession...I couldn't get into the Weather Wardens.  I didn't really plan on reading THIS series because of it, tho I've liked the Morganville Vampire Series by Rachel Caine quite a lot. It was a case of "I'm desperate for a book and here is a book and I guess this is the book I'm going to read cuz I'm desperate and this is the only book here."

You know,  a book crisis. I get edgy when there's no book. I NEED books, like some people need chocolate, or yarn, or their workout. Or, Air. Yeah, that's the best comparison...I need books like I need air.

So far, I liked book one well enough to go ahead and read book 2. So far, so good.

On the nightstand, there's Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich

Wicked Appetite

It's light, it's funny, it's been the perfect book to keep me company when I can't sleep because Jodie's visiting family in Lousiana. With Evanovich's trademark humor, I've laughed out loud a couple of times...which isn't easy to get me to do with a book.

I've resisted the Kindle/Nook movement for an entire year now. It's been dangled in front of me at holidays and birthdays, and so far, I've continued to say "no thanks". I think they're great, don't get me wrong. But I love holding the book and turning the pages. It's just a weird thing I have.

Not sure what's next on the book agenda. I have a decent "to read" list on Goodreads...but I'm a "run to B&N and grab a book because I don't have one" kinda gal and Bend, Oregon is seriously lacking many things, including a lot of great books I'd like to read. But a trip to Powell's is coming mid month and hopefully I'll be able to bring home some new favorites...


So Far....
Note to self: It takes a LOT longer than "just a lil bit" to square up 80+ blocks. Somehow, I thought, "Oh, I can whip through those, get them all squared and be sewing in an hour!"

Not. Even. Close.

Mind you I'm not speedy but geez, I really thought I'd be done quicker. Then when I did begin to sew....

I sewed the first row incorrectly....THREE times.

I know. Really? Three times? I kept wanting to just chain piece them on the machine...and after the final, epic failure, resigned my self to sewing each block on one at a time. More time consuming...but I wasn't spending half my time with a seam ripper in my hand so....apparently that is the way to go for me!

I think, Maybe, just maybe, I have found what I want to do with Terrain. I was over at A Quilting Life and saw this, from Cluck Cluck Sew. I seriously LOVE can be done with just one jelly roll...and well, I love it.

Now off to sew a bit more, then I have a LOT of choreography to do...a lot. A whole lot. Like I probably shouldn't spend any time sewing I have so much choreography to do...but...just a little won't hurt, eh?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Real Post....With Real Quilting Stuff

Today, I'm quilting. All Day. I may not even get out of my jammies. I really NEED that kinda day.

Last night, I went down to one of the local shops, Quiltworks,  First Friday Artwalk events...this shop is about a year old and wasn't on the radar for me when I was actively quilting (you know over a year ago, ugh!) and it's the only shop locally that does any kind of monthly open house thing that I know of. Beautiful shop, VERY nice staff. They don't do precuts, LOL, which with my life I depend on to be able to do any kind of quilting at all...but I liked them. So I went down. They had appetizers, wine, door prizes, a fabulous showing by a Very Talented Quilter and a storewide sale! THAT does not happen much in this area in the Quilt Shops! From 15% off most things, to 30% off select batting and wool kits. The shop was buzzin' and a little crowded for me, but I enjoyed my visit! I didn't win anything, but I did come home with a couple things:

A Few Fun Halloween Fat Quarters

A Twin Batting (at 30% off no less!)

The Halloween prints may or may not be used this fall....sort of depends on time and inclination. Today's quilting is going to focus on this:


This was a disappearing 9-patch I started last year for The Dark-Haired Child...set aside to whip up a baby quilt and never picked up again.

Thursday night, I decided to slice the 9 patches up...Mistake. Note to self, don't do this when you are tired. A few ended up pretty Wonky. And I don't "do" wonky! Only a few are unsalvagable for the top, but could be pieced into the back, so no loss right?

Lastly, I leave you with Terrain, by Kate Spain. When I saw this a couple weeks ago...I had to have it. Its what got me back on the quilting kick!

I love it. I love it sooooo much. Don't know what I'm going to DO with it, but I love it. For now, I just like looking at it..playing with the cuts and putting them side by side...Bliss. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wait for it... wait...wait...

A real post is coming. A post about fabric and quilting.  Really. Right here. I're suprised. If you need a lil lie down, I understand. To prove that a real person lives here and posted this, rather than an evil drone, I present you with a couple of cake pictures....

A Pooh Bear cake for a special baby shower...

A practice cake...

Soon....a real post. From a real person. Who REALLY does quilt...really. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yep Still Here

Not knitting, not doing much but working and doing health-related things.


I'm getting ready to do 4 cakes this month and I'll post pics of that...then I'll start on my christmas quilting and I'll post some of that too.

Meanwhile, for anyone who stumbles here - for I have no followers, LOL. What do you think about the rudeness some people exhibit on the internet?  The lack of common courtesy and using our manners seems to fly out the window for some folks.

Just because we can't see you - doesn't make it okay to be nasty.

Nuff said.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Still here...Still knitting...

Knitting has continued....
Completed Baktus...see that "extra" yarn next to it? Proof that no, I can't eyeball it and know when I'm half done....

Valentine Cupcakes

and more Valentine cupcakes....

School is three-quarters done....Solid B+ in Anthropology and clinging to an A in algebra. I've decided to take Spring term off. My son really needs me right now...and not to have me divided between work, teaching dance, going to school. My stress level is on the ceiling...and what the hell, what's a few more months in the long line of the many years it will take me to get this degree? He's more important than anything else right now.

Health, doing better. Lost 15 pounds so far after following the low glycemic eating plan, supplements and hormones. When I do it I should add because stress? Stress does tend to drive me right to the sugar.

Current knitting? Another Baktus, this one striped. Not that I have had much time for so-called "free" time is consumed with school.

But I'm here. Still kickin'. Still knitting.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday check in

I've been too busy to take pictures or think up anything interesting to write about. School and dance are in full swing - with pesky work thrown in to make it interesting.

Holding steady with a B in anthropology. The first week's quiz, I felt well prepared....and wasn't. The second week I tried preparing differently....and had pretty much the same result:  B. By the time I figure out what she's really after...the term will be over. I'm okay with a B...I'm just a bit of an overachiever and if it's not an A, I'm not satisfied. Considering how busy I am and how much reading is involved in this class - I can be very satisfied with a B, thank you.

Math continues to hold well and as of yet, my head has not exploded as I expected. Let's keep it that way, shall we?

Baktus is finally over 50%. My plans were to immediately cast on for a second, striped one....but I've been so annoyed with the knots and snaggles in this skein of Noro I'm having second thoughts since I'd planned on using another colorway in Noro Kureyon sock I have in stash....We'll see. Perhaps I'll do some other sock yarn from stash.

Danced a solo at the Guild showcase over the weekend, and was happy with the results. If the video comes out decent, I'll link to it.

Health: Noticing I'm not exhausted constantly...not hungry constantly either. Lost a bit of weight. Sleep well and not needing a nap just to make it to 9 p.m. Good things must be happening, eh?

Let's hope so.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Gratitudes

Three Saturday Gratitudes:
  1. Not working the weekend. I worked last weekend and it's made this week really looooong
  2. Survived Rush Week.
  3. Getting by
This week included not one but two broken car incidents resulting in a $500 mechanic bill and having to shuffle three people to work, college, and high school with one car - of course all with completely different schedules. Woo hoo, the fun never ends! Did I mention...I don't happen to *have* $500 to pay the bill? So I'm extremely grateful to the mechanic who works with us and will let us pay him when financial aid comes through at the end of the month. We live in a city with pretty limited mass transit options - the nearest stop is just short of 2 miles from the house, so it's not a simple matter of a couple blocks to the bus stop or I'd be taking that option myself and letting Jodie have the car. Waiting on the part - hopefully car #2 will be back in service by midweek.

Stash Documentation
I've accumulated some stash in the last six years...some of it I love and some of it is just crap. I bought yarn like it was going out of style for awhile...and I bought everything from good yarn to crappy acrylic yarn with abandon.

Lighting is poor, but that's what happens when you do this stuff at o'dark thirty in the morning...poor light.

In the garage, we find the stash housed in plastic bins - this is it, minus the sock yarn.

This is the sock yarn, tho upon thinking about's not all of the sock yarn. There are at least two unwound hanks in a different bin...and two UFOs with sock yarn in the project bin.

There's the commercial sock yarn...

Lots of Lorna's Laces - the first "real" sock yarn that was available locally for awhile - well, at least that I could afford...

The handpainted, minus those hanks and UFOs...
It's nothing compared to many knitter's collections...but it's mine, eh? The real problem? I love sock yarn...I love socks....I don't have the patience/attention span to KNIT socks. While unpacking the above yarns...I found around 10 little starts on things not finished. Until recently, I felt guilty about those false starts. I felt like I was lazy or unmotivated...and embarrassed by them. Then I began to deal with my son's diagnosis of ADHD and realized....I probably have some degree of the same disorder. It's allowed me to cut myself a little slack and not feel so guilty. Less guilt is good.

Baktus, probably about 40% done.

 It's not perfect....and I find that annoying. I'm working on accepting it with it's imperfections and just being grateful I have gotten this far considering Winter Term has started with lots of math and anthropology reading/homework and I'm teaching dance 4 nights a week. I'm also reminded of how much I really dislike Noro yarns..The color is fabulous....the knots and incredibly uneven part make me crazy. Which brings me to a decision:

I'm only going to buy yarn that I love. Period. In looking through the stash I see a lot of yarn I don't love. I see yarn that was cheap, I see yarn that I bought because I couldn't buy what I really wanted. So, rather than putting myself on a stash diet, I'm simply going to make a rule:  I'm going to knit out of stash to reduce it...and only yarn I really love will come to live with me in the future.

How do YOU decide what comes to live in your stash? Do you view the yarns you aren't so in love with with regret?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rush Week

Rush week pictures...knitting only in brief moments snatched while waiting to pick up kids or for an appointment...baking, are you kidding me?

This week is the first week back at my "real life"...the life of overscheduled chaos. Dance classes Monday and Thursday, private students Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and troupe practice Monday and Friday. Squeezed in between dance stuff and reading 60 pages a week for anthropology, I'm picking away at my math class assignments...trying to choreo a performance for myself set for January 16 (insert palm to forhead with "what was I thinking when i said I'd dance at this?" here), and the usual work, family obligations and trying to increase my health.

Next week, I'll post. A real post...with pictures and a witty caption and ....yeah. But this week? Dude, it's rush week....